Jesse is on a UN Youth Ambassadors camp in New York when his subway carriage is rocked by an explosion. Jesse and his three friends, Dave, Mini and Anna, crawl out from the wreckage to discover a city in chaos.
Streets are deserted. Buildings are in ruins. Worse, the only other survivors seem to be infected with a virus that turns them into horrifying predators...
Outnumbered. No sign of life. Just them. And you... ALONE.

Yesterday at the library I came across this series called 'Alone'. The blurb intrigued me. It sounded generic but I just wanted a good book to fight the boredom and this book did the job. From the start this book was fast paced and attention grabbing. We are introduced to the characters David, Min and Anna, who the main character Jesse becomes friends with on a UN camp trip. I liked how these characters were of different cultures/backgrounds to give some sense that these characters aren't just cardboard cutouts used for the purpose of encountering terrible situations. There wasn't much action in the book but this only made it seem more eerie and suspenseful.
The setting is in Manhattan (kinda typical for dystopian movies, right?). Unlike movies, I got to learn a bit about the city, googling the places mentioned the book which was a bonus (You can learn from fiction!).
My absolute favourite section was the ending. It was totally bloodcurdling and left me gasping out loud. I never saw the twist coming. People who like the Tomorrow series by John Marsden and dystopian movies like Cloverfield and I am Legend will gobble this book up!