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Review: Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

This book is in the public domain and can be downloaded for free here

Jerusha has been living 18 years in an asylum and didn't expect it one day when a mystery man offers to pay for her education to become a writer. In return for her education, she has to write a letter once a month addressed to mysterious man, Mr Smith, about what she learns and how she fairs at school. Instead of writing the obligatory one letter a month, Jerusha aka Judy, writes a load of letters on a wide range of subjects and addresses it to 'Daddy Long Legs' her nickname for her secret benefactor (which originated from when she caught a glimpse of leaving the asylum and saw that he had long arms and legs).

I really liked Judy's voice and the way she told Daddy about what was happening in her life. She really had a talent of writing! It was a pleasure reading through her letters and getting to know her. I really felt for her when at times she would send angry letters to Daddy because he'd scarcely reply to her letters when she treated him as her closest confidant. I thought the twist ending was a nice surprise. Daddy Long Legs was a feel-good, refreshing read.